Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My boys

Just a few pictures my step brother's aunt took at a missionary farewell.
Love the one of Finn with the crumbs on his face. That is SO Finn!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We are still here!

I am sorry to say I have no new pictures to post. In fact, I'm not even sure where my camera is right now. I have been really bad or should I say lazy when it comes to capturing memories lately.

The Millette's are doing well! Matt has left for school this morning to take his last final. We are both very happy about that. He needs a break and so do I (from the kids). Santa has gotten all of the shopping done and is ready to wrap and deliver. We had an early Christmas this year with my Mom and Dad and my little sister Tara from Hawaii. It was fun to have her here around the holiday to eat and shop with. Just need to finish up those holiday cards and make those Christmas treats for friends and neighbors and I think we will be ready!

Pregnancy wise, things are going well. I am just shy of 32 weeks and getting more and more anxious all the time to meet this little boy. I am a little worried about juggling 3 boys a household and a business, but I think I can do it!

Well, the Millette's send our love and best wishes to you all during this fabulous holiday season. Merry Christmas!