Thursday, August 02, 2007

BIG baby!!!!

Well, I took Finn to the doctor today for his 2 month well visit and it was confirmed that my baby is HUGE!!!!!! He weighs 14lbs 6oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. That puts him int he 95th % for weight and 90th % for height. Holy cow!!!! His head though was left behing in the 25th %. So basically I have a giant baby with a little head, but he is still the cutest little, big thing ever. Like Grandma Hatch would say, "he is juicy!" Oh, and good news, the hole in his heart has closed up! Yeah!!! The doc said his heart sounded really good. What a relief!
Isn't this picture hilarious?

Wow, suprised?


Tara said...

oh my what a big, perfectly squishy, baby. i love him. so glad to hear the news about his heart!! and i love your header... did you make it? or matt? really cute. and if you find a side picture you want i can post it for you. lots of loves,


Jill said...

awww he is so cute and BIG! i love it! that's about what peyton weighed at at the same age....except his head was so big it was off the charts! yikes!

Jill said...

p.s. i am really glad to hear his heart is all better!!!!

Hatchgirls1 said...

Your pics are the greatest! Your boys are soooo adorable! I missed everyone this year! I'm thinking another trip to the beach might be fun in February when you're all sick of the UTAH snow!

Hatchgirls1 said...

One of you guys (jill, tara, trista (where's niki's blog?))has to tell me where you get your adorable headers and stuff! and yes- that was a parenthesis in a parenthisis. Love you!

Hatchgirls1 said...

And - also soooo glad to hear he's okay. What a little sweatheart!